I came to Bali in September and wanted to learn Bahasa Indonesian. After spending 2 months studying Bahasa Indonesian with Agus in Bali I feel proficient and comfortable for most day to day interactions, as well as a few of the more idiosyncratic things that happen in Bali.
Whether I am asking for another Nasi Goreng (fried rice), or yelling to a monkey forest park warden “Help my Indonesian teacher is being attacked by a monkey” (ask him about it, best story ever), I feel comfortable and prepared to handle whatever life in Bali throws at me.
Agus is an amazing teacher not just because of his grasp of the linguistics of Indonesia, but also because of his in deep understanding of English and how it differs from Indonesian.
Whether you are looking for a class that teaches you a detailed grammatical understanding of Indonesian with the goal of eventual fluency, or just a place that you can learn what you need to get by in Bali, I highly recommend Bali Language School
Seriously, ask him about the monkey attack, also Agus blushes really easily, it’s like sport